So I've been thinking a lot about how the Law of Attraction (LOA) gets misinterpreted. Due to the popularity of "
The Secret
," Many people have already heard of how you get what you think about most, like attracts like, creative visualization, and so on. A major principle of the LOA is that everything you experience in life, you've attracted. That's the good right along with the bad. That's how people who practice the Law of Attraction get it all wrong.
One argument that I still hear about it is the fact that people get results that they claim they've never attracted. For instance, someone gets into a car accident driving home from work. He turns around and says, "I don't know how this could have happened. I wasn't even thinking about a car accident?" From then on he'll go on to discredit the LOA.
But in actuality it could have been anything group of strong negatively charge thoughts that may have caused it. Maybe the person was thinking that he didn't like the color of his car, or that it's too old, or the cost of gas makes the car too much of a burden.
He may have not been thinking about the car at all. Maybe that person was having a bad day, one thing after another kept going wrong. He kept acknowledging and getting frustrated at every bad thing that happened that it attracted more negative outcomes.
For example: Let's name this person Dave. Dave woke up late this morning, his alarm wasn't turned on for some reason, and this gets him pretty flustered from the start of the day. He's late to work and angrily storms into his office. His boss then yells at him, partly for being late, but mostly for the disruption of his entry into the workplace. Even more flustered, Dave messes up some paperwork, and gets in more trouble. Then heads home and gets into the car accident.
Dave thoughts were wrapped up in having a bad day, thus the LOA kept making his day worse. If Dave would have just stayed calm or simply shrugged off the fact that his alarm hadn't gone off, the negative experiences of his day would have stopped there.
All you really have to know is that negative thoughts attract negative outcomes and positive thoughts attract positive outcomes. "What" you think about acts as a pointer for the attraction, but doesn't really cause it to manifest into reality.
That makes me think of another misconception… Creative Visualization.
People say all time. "I visualize being rich almost everyday, but nothing's happening. This LOA stuff is rubbish!" Where most people falter is the fact that when they are visualizing they don't really FEEL as though they have it now. That is really the key for getting what you want. I know, I know… I'm oversimplifying like I always do. Feeling that you have it now, when you don't have it, is something that's very difficult to do. Trust me, I am WELL aware of this. This is where I even slip up most of the time. The trick that's been working for me recently is to make what you visualize be more believable.
If you are in credit card debt for $50,000 and you're visualizing yourself in a private jet flying to an island you own. It would probably be a stretch for your mind to make you feel like you "have it now."
So my suggestion would be to visualize yourself making $10,000 this month. Think about all the ways life would be different if you got 10 grand within the next 30 days. What would you buy? What would you do? How would that look on your bank statement? This would still be pretty grand, in comparison to your current situation, but much more believable. If it's still doesn't feel like you have it already, play with the numbers a bit. Try this for about 20 minutes a day, for 30 days. You'll start to see amazing results.
When you receive what you manifest then take it another step further, like $50k next month, it would be more believable then because your mind already knows what $10k feels like. You can then build up to private jets and island getaways, using this method.
Keep in mind, if you are in debt and focusing on getting out of debt, you'll just attract more debt. Also, keep this process light, playful, and fun. The last thing you want to do is turn it into a chore. Trust your feelings, if you feel good then you're thoughts are on the right path, if you feel bad then you are attracting the opposite of what you want.