Friday, May 29, 2009

The Most Overlooked Part of Intention-Based Manifestation

The steps I know about when it comes to the law of attraction are:
  1. Write down what you don't want.
  2. Write down the opposite of your don't wants, to turn them into "do wants."
  3. Visualize those wants as if you had them now.
  4. Clear/release your limiting beliefs.
  5. Take inspired action.

I have adapted these steps from Joe Vitale's Attractor Factor. It's a great book which I highly recommend to anyone who reads on intention based manifestation.

One of the most powerful steps in this process is taking action. It seems as though the individuals that are consistently taking the most action are the ones that are reaping the biggest rewards from this new age of positive thinking.

Action is one of the most important steps in the Law of Attraction.

People never appreciate what just falls into their laps. It's the classic "cat/string" theory. If you dangle a string in front of a cat, he'll go crazy trying to catch it. But the moment you drop the string, he'll lose interest. The universe knows this, so it includes action into the laws of attraction.

If the universe make you take action to get what you want, you'll just appreciate it more.

Many people resist action because they think that it's "work." But it doesn't have to be that way. The kind of action you're supposed to take is an inspired one. One that comes from love and passion. You'll know what that action is when your intuition tells you to do something. It could be something totally random like taking a walk, or driving a different way home from work, or just picking up today's newspaper.

A comforting thought about taking action, is that if you constantly think of something you want, you can't help but act!

By focusing your thoughts on it you'll get excited about it and that excitement will turn into an invisible force that will compel you to take action.

For instance if you're hungry and start thinking of a food you like. Maybe a cheeseburger. You start visualizing yourself hold it it. Imagine the aroma and the heat on your hand as you hold it. Then imagine taking a bite of this warm, juicy, piece of heaven.

You'll likely to hop in your car and drive over to your nearest fast food restaurant after that. Because you'll feel so compelled to do it.

That's how I saw this blog! Well... I didn't see myself eating it. But you get the point.

It's a medium where I could use written word to provide the most amount of value to the most amount of people! And and the idea of that was so delicious to me that I absolutely had to start it!

It's also how humans learn best. We learn best by DOING. Not reading, or thinking. But by actually getting our hands dirty and participating in the creation itself.

Action helps us grow this way. You learn things by doing that you can't learn any way else. Think about this:

Would you give your child a book to learn how to ride a bike? Or would you encourage him to actually get on the bike and start peddling?

Of course you'd get him to physically ride it. There's something about actually getting on the bike and riding it that you can't describe in words.

That's how I see everything out there that has any type of learning curve.

So action is one of the most important steps in conscious creation. Don't resist it. It's your friend, it'll take you to places you've never knew existed. Most of all, it'll help you grow!

Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Find What You Want

As I've said in earlier posts, many people only focus on what they don't want. "I don't want this car. I don't want this job. I don't want this debt." Blah, blah, blah...

These people can go into great detail about what they don't want. But when you ask them what they do want, they get tongue tied and don't know how to articulate it. It's almost like it's a built in human condition to focus on the negative you have, instead of the positive you want.

If you don't know how to find out what you want, this article is for you. By the end of this blog post you'll learn that, the way to find out what you want is to write down what you don't want and take the opposite of that.

Take some time from your day. Maybe an hour or so. Write a list of what you don't like about your life. Just let your mind run free and write down everything that bugs the crap out of you about your reality.

Once you've completed this list. Take each of the "don't wants" and turn them into "wants."

Here are a few examples:

  1. "I don't like my job." Turns into. "I want a fulfilling career."
  2. "I don't like my car." Turns into. "I want a new Ferrari."
  3. "I don't like my house. Turns into. "I want a beachfront mansion."

Just stating that you want may not be strong enough to bring it to you. Because by "wanting" it, your mind is focused on the fact that you don't have it. Am I making sense here?

To make those wants even more powerful put them in the present tense.

Here are a few examples of that:

  1. "I want a fulfilling career." Turns into. "I now have a fulfilling career."
  2. "I want a new Ferrari." Turns into. "I now have a new Ferrari."
  3. "I want a beachfront mansion. Turns into. "I now have a beachfront mansion."

And to really supercharge those wants, add some feeling into it. After all, it' s your feelings that actually cause the attraction. Your thoughts are what you point that attraction to.

Here are some more examples:

  1. "I now have a fulfilling career." Turns into. "I'm so happy and grateful that I have a fulfilling career."
  2. "I now have a new Ferrari." Turns into. "I'm so happy and grateful that I have a new Ferrari."
  3. "I now have a beachfront mansion." Turns into. "I'm so happy and grateful that I have a beachfront mansion."

It really is that easy easy! The way to find out what you want is to write down what you don't want and take the opposite of that.

Now that you've your empowering list of wants. Keep it with you at all times. I like to read them to myself three times a day to keep me focused on what I want. Kind of like what people do with a list of affirmations.

It's a very powerful method. And it does work, so get started on it NOW!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Why You Shouldn't Validate Negative Feelings of Others

Many people just come up to me and explain how bad their day was, or how much they hate a person, or how bad the economy is... The list could go on forever. And a lot of times they start off talking to me with the intention (mostly subconscious) of getting me to agree with them and make me feel the same way they do. Ever heard of the saying, "misery loves company?"

By the end of this article you'll feel that you shouldn't validate the negative feelings of others because it'll just help them (and you) attract negative outcomes. A better alternative will be to help them acknowledge and release those feelings.

When you validate someones feelings by feeling as bad as they do, you put your focus on the negative experiences that they're talking about. By doing that, you not only amplify their vibrational attraction of negative outcomes, you start vibrating the same way too. Then all of the sudden you are co-creating a reality that reflects that.

Here's an example:

Jim walks into his roommate Alden's room and starts complaining about his "a-hole" boss. Alden, being the good friend that he is, listens attentively and even goes on to say that he agrees with Jim. Alden starts saying things like, "What a Jerk!" And, "That guy deserves a beat down." Alden really starts to feel the anger from Jim's story. Before long, Alden has seeded & cultivate his mind with these negative thoughts. He starts to feel that all bosses are mean, stupid, and cruel.

The next week. Alden gets into an argument with his own boss. He then throws a punch and breaks his jaw. Obviously, he gets fired from his job. And even gets arrested for assault.

Months goes by. Alden can't find a job because of the worsening economy. Ironically, Jim even kicks him out of the house for not being able to pay his share of the bills. Alden goes homeless and eventually goes into deep depression. Bad enough to throw himself off a bridge.

The fall isn't enough to kill him, but just break his spine and paralyzes him from the neck down.

So now Alden is a suicidal homeless paraplegic, with nothing to live for. He could have avoided all this by NOT validating his friend's feelings.

I know this example is a little extreme (and a little tongue-in-cheek I admit), but it does drive the point home!

What would have been better for both Alden and Jim, would be if Alden internally acknowledged that he attracted Jim telling him about his boss, then focus on a positive outcome. Which would probably be, help his friend feel better about the situation by trying to steer the conversation to a positive one ...or just get the hell out of there.

Now you know that, you shouldn't validate the negative feelings of others because it'll just help them (and you) attract negative outcomes. If someone comes up to you with things to vent about, avoid the trap at all costs. It could mean the difference between life and death!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Subjective Reality Model Vs. Objective Reality Model

Subjective reality is one of my most favorite subjects. To me, it's the glue that binds the techniques and science behind the Law of Attraction, Intention-based Manifestation, etc...

I am not the one that made it up, in fact I don't know who did. It was introduced to me by a blogger named Steve Pavlina. He did a very detailed podcast on this subject. You can find it by clicking here.

After you read this blog post you will have learned the difference between Objective Reality and Subjective Reality, and why you should follow the subjective model.

Before we can talk about Subjective Reality we have to be clear on the definition of Objective Reality. Objective reality is what most people will relate to. It goes off the premise that the world the people in it are separate from you. They have separate minds, feelings, desires, and so forth. If you follow the objective model then your reality is at the whim of chance. Things that happen to you are just a roll of the dice. You have little to no influence over the outcome of your life's events.

Objective Reality cannot be proven false and most people consider it scientific fact.

The Subjective model of reality goes on the premise that everything in existence is not only connected, it's actually just an extension of yourself.

Let's use dreaming as an example to illustrate this. Let's say you are dreaming of yourself walking around the mall. In the dream you are yourself you have a consciousness that can walk around and interact with your surroundings. But the people and everything else within the dream is also a projection of your consciousness, your higher "real" consciousness that's currently in bed.

If there's a car accident in your dream, you created it. If a person punches you in the face in your dream, you made it happen. Your awareness, conscious & unconscious, is creating everything in it.

That's how the Subjective model works. Entire reality is really a dream. Your higher consciousness really controls the show.

But I highly advise my readers against trying to jump off a bridge thinking they can grow wings before they hit the ground. It doesn't work that way. You're beliefs play a big role in what happens in your reality. Right now, it's a far stretch for any person to really truly believe they can grow wings and fly.

Still with me here? Some of may start to think I'm totally nuts now. But please, at least to the end of the article, have an open mind.

Subjective Reality cannot be proven false. Let me illustrate this point with a challenge. This is the same challenge that Steve Pavlina gave his readers.

If my consciousness isn't creating you, then I challenge you to prove to me that you exist independent of my awareness.

You can't. To prove it to me, you have to come into my awareness. And if I'm aware of you, you lose the challenge.

If neither can be proven false then I choose to follow the Subjective route. Why wouldn't anyone? It is a much more empowering way to look at life if you see it as something you constantly are creating. This way of looking at reality is what gives foundation to things like the Law of Attraction. If reality is just a dream of a higher conscious being, it's possible to have a lucid dream.

Most of you have heard the term Lucid Dreaming. It's when you are in the dream but know you are dreaming. You then can do anything you want in it. Be president, date supermodels, live in a mansion... You get the picture.

Because Subjective reality is based on reality being a projection of your consciousness. It is possible to control every facet of it. We just have to find a way to snap ourselves out of the illusion that this is all "real." I recently read Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win by Robert Scheinfeld. He has a great process on tapping into that higher consciousness.

You now know the contrast between Objective and Subjective reality models, and know why I choose to view my reality subjectively. Hopes this helps some of you out there with your own conscious creations!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Using Your Creativity Is One of the Best Ways To Make a Living

During my vacation to Hawaii, I met a very interesting guy named Andre Davis. The way he lived and still lives his life is very inspirational and he is now my new hero.

Andre's primary trade is being a tattoo artist. He owns his own practice and does well for himself. His work is well respected and arguably the best in the state. He's well traveled and has tattooed along side some of the nation's greatest artists.

His tattoo shop doesn't resemble the standard tattoo parlor with templates on the walls that you can just pick and choose from. The only things on his walls is a little waterfall (maybe to calm a first-timer's nerves) and his own original watercolor paintings. It's also very clean, almost reminds me of a dentist office.

He only does custom tattoos, so if you get work done from him, you'll know it'll be one of a kind and of the highest quality. And he doesn't take walk-in customers, it is only by appointment. Which means he has the ability to control his own time. (One of my biggest goals.) The reason for appointment only way of doing business is because he actually takes time to get to know customers and create something that they'll cherish for the rest of their lives. After all... It is a tattoo.

The reason I specified that Andre's "primary trade" is tattooing is because, that's not all he does. He also creates custom tattoo machines, does watercolor paintings, bone carvings, and is even working on a clothing line. The guy is an entrepreneurial/artistry Renaissance man!

He's doing what I want to do. Not necessarily tattooing on people. But making money from creative endeavors. Using your creativity is one of the best ways to make a living. Let me show you why.

Ideas are limitless. In 1899 the commissioner of the US patent office said, "Everything that can be invented, has been invented." Can you imagine what life would be like if that were true? Well, you wouldn't be reading this blog, that's for sure.

There are so many things that haven't been done yet! Even better, there are so many things that haven't even been thought of yet!

You own what you create. If you create something original, it's yours. You can patent it & legally own the rights to it. If you're working in some Fortune 500 company, making widgets from handed down plans, it's not yours. Try selling those plans to another company and you'll be facing some serious jail time.

You can live forever, through your work. The Mona Lisa has outlived Leonardo Da Vinci by hundreds of years. Your ideas are like immortal creatures that could possibly see the end of time. You will be remembered because you created them.

Entrepreneurship and creativity are interwoven. You can't be an entrepreneur without being creative. In fact, the more creative you are, the better entrepreneur you'll be. You'll be able to come up with new more ideas to make money, improve sales, attract customers, etc...

And most of all, making money creatively is a lot of fun. When you are working from creative consciousness, you are working with passion. You won't be able to stop. Ideas will excite you! And bringing those ideas into reality will bring you more joy than you could ever imagine.

There are many more reasons why making money creatively is the best way to go. But the biggest reasons for me are, that ideas are limitless; you own what you create; it can immortalize you; it makes you a better entrepreneur; and it's fun!

Human beings were meant to be creative. It's just the way our brains are wired. Creativity expands our knowledge as a species, it's what drives our evolution. So do what you were meant to do. BE CREATIVE! And if you can make money with it, why not?