Monday, April 20, 2009

7 Ways To Improve Your Creative Visualization

By now we should all be familiar with the term, Creative Visualization. But most don't really know how to effectively visualize. The say, "I picture what I want all the time. Why isn't it here yet?"

Don't despair, I'm here to give you a few pointers to supercharge your ability to visualize and more importantly attract the things you want most in life.

In this blog I will give you 7 tools to help you with creative visualization.

1. Be specific & precise. As with everything in life you should always start with a purpose. If you just go into visualizing without getting clear on what you desire, you're mind will just end up jumping all over the place. The ability to focus will increase your power to make what you want real.

2. Start off by focusing on your breathing for 5-10 minutes.. Feel your breath going into your body and out of your body. By doing this, you focus your mind on the present. One of the hardest parts of creative visualization is mental chatter. Your mind on average will get distracted 7 to 10 times per minute, that can be frustrating when trying to keep your focus on what you want. When your mind is focused on your breathing it can't think of anything else. This helps prime your mind for visualization.

3. Practice visualizing simple things at first. Like anything else it takes practice to get good at visualization. Try just visualizing 1 thing. An apple, for example. Try to go deeper and deeper in detail. See the apple, smell it, taste it. Then add another item. Maybe visualizing the plate that the apple's on. Soon you'll be able to visualize your world in rich detail.

4. Visualize yourself in the now. When you are visualizing your dream home visualize yourself as you are right now. Some people tend to visualize what they would look like in the future. Don't forget if you attract having it in the future. It will always be in the future.

5. Include all 5 senses. If you are visualizing a new home. Smell the air in it. See the furnishings. Imagine the feeling of sitting in a couch in the new living room. Hear the ambient sounds from around the house. Maybe the TV in the background. Imagine grabbing something from the fridge and tasting it.

6. Visualize in motion. Action makes your visualization feel more real, therefore giving it more power to attract. So if we go back to using the new house example; start off going through the driveway, then walking through the front lawn, opening the doors and walking into it, etc...

7. Focus on feeling grateful. This is the most important of all. Feeling of gratefulness is such a powerful positive emotion. It's actually the strongest feeling in your Law of Attraction arsenal. Feeling grateful puts the image in the present more than any other type of feeling. Use it as much as you can.

So there you have it, 7 ways to improve your creative visualization. Be specific and precise. Start off by focusing on your breathing. Start off simple. Visualize yourself in the now. Include all 5 senses. Visualize in motion. And most importantly visualize in motion.

Visualize what you want for at least 20 minutes 1-2 times daily, for the next 30 days. You'll start to see a dramatic difference in your life if you include the above tips. Feel free to comment on your experiences below. Thanks for reading!

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