Thursday, April 23, 2009

Does The Universe Care If You Don't Answer Your Blackberry?

Sometimes, I look up at the sky at night and trip out on the vastness of the universe. The planet that we live on is just a speck of dust compared to it all. And I'm humbled and reminded to take things lightly. Because, compared to the grand scheme of our 13 billion year old universe, our little lives is very insignificant.

I have a corporate type of job. (Yes I have a job. Shocker!) And in this job I deal with "emergencies" on a regular basis. These so-called "emergencies" deal with things like servers going down, blackberries not receiving emails, and instant messenger not working right.

Sometimes knowing the TRUTH can be a burden, because so many of my colleagues are wrapped up in their own self-importance to see it. I'm mean, really... How many lives will be lost if you can't configure Itunes correctly? Or will will our galaxy stop rotating if our exchange server stops sending emails?

In lieu of this, the only thing I can see that is remotely worth while, is finding out what you are passionate about, becoming an expert at it, and sharing it with the rest of humanity. If there is a god (which I believe there is) that would be what he/her/it created us to do. Why else would we be here? So we can drone about, doing the corporate shuffle, then die without ever making some sort of lasting impact?

These people (Including myself. Which I am ashamed to say.) wake up every morning to go to work and focus on something that they're really not passionate about. Most of them figure, that's all there is to life. They're satisfied with the fact that they'll never do anything worth writing about. Or experience what it's like to inspire others.

If that's really was case, it would have horrified me enough to stick a gun in my mouth. How can anyone be satisfied by living that unconsciously?

I'd say that I'm being a hypocrite by stating my opinions about this, but at least I'm trying. That's the main purpose of this blog. I love to write! I love how crazy the universe and reality actually is! I love Martial Arts!

That's why I'm using this medium to share it with you. Even if this blog doesn't make me a dime, (Which it already has, and then some.) I would still be creating more and more content, because it's what I'm passionate about.

This post is not meant to offend anyone. If you love what you do and are passionate about it, then by all means, keep on keepin' on!

But if you'd rather be doing something else with your time, then please don't waste 40+ hours a week of your precious life doing it. Start something that you love, right NOW! If you can't afford to quit or stop what you're doing, just start with the smallest goal/task towards getting there. Create a plan. Take action! Maybe you have a passion, but are not an expert it. Then start learning! For goodness, sake just do something!

The fate of the universe depends on it! ;-p

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