Are you just living in a computer program, thinking this is all real? You could just be a simulation created by a superior race. Sound like science fiction? By the time you finish reading this post, you'll begin to understand that this isn't only possible, it's actually probable.
The reason why this may be true, is that the brain works by interpreting electrical impulses and Moore's Law predicts that it's just a matter of time that computers will be able to simulate life.
Now listen closely! The brain is totally encapsulated in the skull. It doesn't actually see, touch, smell, taste, or feel anything. What happens when you see an object? The brain isn't actually looking at it.
Your eyes take in light, then takes that info and turns it into chemicals, which then turns into electric pulses in your head. Or how about your sense of taste? Your tongue just translates signals into chemicals, again turning those chemicals into electronic pulses. Same thing happens with all of your senses. It's all happening in your head! Your brain never actually sees, hears, smells, tastes, or touches anything. It just interprets electricity.
Let's take it a step further. What if your brain was connected to a computer that could give your brain the same electrical signals that your 5 senses give it? You wouldn't be able to tell that the world you are living in is just part of a computer program.
Sound familiar?
It should. This was the basis of the Matrix movie franchise.
But lets go even deeper down the rabbit hole. (Sorry, the nerd in me couldn't resist.) The only reason we know we have a physical brain is because scientific research has shown us so. But all of scientific research is grounded in our 5 senses. And what does that tell you? You can touch it, see it, smell it, and if you're Hannibal, even taste it. But if all your senses are just electrical impulses, it could also mean that you don't have a physical brain. Everything about your entire existence could be in a simulation.
Now onto Moore's law. The poop really hits the fan here!
Moore's law is a trend that shows how computing power doubles every year. It's pretty dependable, and would be safe to assume that computing power would double next year. So imagine what it would be like 50,000 years from now. What about 100,000? 1,000,000?
New findings are showing that we achieve the processing power to make all this possible in LESS THAN 50 YEARS!
Now this is really gonna screw with you. Who's to say we're first? What if we're a simulation that is on the verge of creating our own simulation? It could mean that we're a simulation of a simulation that's just a simulation of another simulation. It could essentially go on forever. The odds that we're the genuine article are infinitely small!
So now you can understand that it's not only possible that we're a simulation, it's actually probable.
So the big question is Who's the ultimate creator? What is Reality REALLY like outside the box we're in?
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