I am not the one that made it up, in fact I don't know who did. It was introduced to me by a blogger named Steve Pavlina. He did a very detailed podcast on this subject. You can find it by clicking here.
After you read this blog post you will have learned the difference between Objective Reality and Subjective Reality, and why you should follow the subjective model.
Before we can talk about Subjective Reality we have to be clear on the definition of Objective Reality. Objective reality is what most people will relate to. It goes off the premise that the world the people in it are separate from you. They have separate minds, feelings, desires, and so forth. If you follow the objective model then your reality is at the whim of chance. Things that happen to you are just a roll of the dice. You have little to no influence over the outcome of your life's events.
Objective Reality cannot be proven false and most people consider it scientific fact.
The Subjective model of reality goes on the premise that everything in existence is not only connected, it's actually just an extension of yourself.
Let's use dreaming as an example to illustrate this. Let's say you are dreaming of yourself walking around the mall. In the dream you are yourself you have a consciousness that can walk around and interact with your surroundings. But the people and everything else within the dream is also a projection of your consciousness, your higher "real" consciousness that's currently in bed.
If there's a car accident in your dream, you created it. If a person punches you in the face in your dream, you made it happen. Your awareness, conscious & unconscious, is creating everything in it.
That's how the Subjective model works. Entire reality is really a dream. Your higher consciousness really controls the show.
But I highly advise my readers against trying to jump off a bridge thinking they can grow wings before they hit the ground. It doesn't work that way. You're beliefs play a big role in what happens in your reality. Right now, it's a far stretch for any person to really truly believe they can grow wings and fly.
Still with me here? Some of may start to think I'm totally nuts now. But please, at least to the end of the article, have an open mind.
Subjective Reality cannot be proven false. Let me illustrate this point with a challenge. This is the same challenge that Steve Pavlina gave his readers.
If my consciousness isn't creating you, then I challenge you to prove to me that you exist independent of my awareness.
You can't. To prove it to me, you have to come into my awareness. And if I'm aware of you, you lose the challenge.
If neither can be proven false then I choose to follow the Subjective route. Why wouldn't anyone? It is a much more empowering way to look at life if you see it as something you constantly are creating. This way of looking at reality is what gives foundation to things like the Law of Attraction. If reality is just a dream of a higher conscious being, it's possible to have a lucid dream.
Most of you have heard the term Lucid Dreaming. It's when you are in the dream but know you are dreaming. You then can do anything you want in it. Be president, date supermodels, live in a mansion... You get the picture.
Because Subjective reality is based on reality being a projection of your consciousness. It is possible to control every facet of it. We just have to find a way to snap ourselves out of the illusion that this is all "real." I recently read Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win
You now know the contrast between Objective and Subjective reality models, and know why I choose to view my reality subjectively. Hopes this helps some of you out there with your own conscious creations!
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