Friday, April 24, 2009

Going Back to Vegas

Flyin' back to Las Vegas today!

Gained a lot of perspective from this trip. Can't wait to share it with you all!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Does The Universe Care If You Don't Answer Your Blackberry?

Sometimes, I look up at the sky at night and trip out on the vastness of the universe. The planet that we live on is just a speck of dust compared to it all. And I'm humbled and reminded to take things lightly. Because, compared to the grand scheme of our 13 billion year old universe, our little lives is very insignificant.

I have a corporate type of job. (Yes I have a job. Shocker!) And in this job I deal with "emergencies" on a regular basis. These so-called "emergencies" deal with things like servers going down, blackberries not receiving emails, and instant messenger not working right.

Sometimes knowing the TRUTH can be a burden, because so many of my colleagues are wrapped up in their own self-importance to see it. I'm mean, really... How many lives will be lost if you can't configure Itunes correctly? Or will will our galaxy stop rotating if our exchange server stops sending emails?

In lieu of this, the only thing I can see that is remotely worth while, is finding out what you are passionate about, becoming an expert at it, and sharing it with the rest of humanity. If there is a god (which I believe there is) that would be what he/her/it created us to do. Why else would we be here? So we can drone about, doing the corporate shuffle, then die without ever making some sort of lasting impact?

These people (Including myself. Which I am ashamed to say.) wake up every morning to go to work and focus on something that they're really not passionate about. Most of them figure, that's all there is to life. They're satisfied with the fact that they'll never do anything worth writing about. Or experience what it's like to inspire others.

If that's really was case, it would have horrified me enough to stick a gun in my mouth. How can anyone be satisfied by living that unconsciously?

I'd say that I'm being a hypocrite by stating my opinions about this, but at least I'm trying. That's the main purpose of this blog. I love to write! I love how crazy the universe and reality actually is! I love Martial Arts!

That's why I'm using this medium to share it with you. Even if this blog doesn't make me a dime, (Which it already has, and then some.) I would still be creating more and more content, because it's what I'm passionate about.

This post is not meant to offend anyone. If you love what you do and are passionate about it, then by all means, keep on keepin' on!

But if you'd rather be doing something else with your time, then please don't waste 40+ hours a week of your precious life doing it. Start something that you love, right NOW! If you can't afford to quit or stop what you're doing, just start with the smallest goal/task towards getting there. Create a plan. Take action! Maybe you have a passion, but are not an expert it. Then start learning! For goodness, sake just do something!

The fate of the universe depends on it! ;-p

Monday, April 20, 2009

7 Ways To Improve Your Creative Visualization

By now we should all be familiar with the term, Creative Visualization. But most don't really know how to effectively visualize. The say, "I picture what I want all the time. Why isn't it here yet?"

Don't despair, I'm here to give you a few pointers to supercharge your ability to visualize and more importantly attract the things you want most in life.

In this blog I will give you 7 tools to help you with creative visualization.

1. Be specific & precise. As with everything in life you should always start with a purpose. If you just go into visualizing without getting clear on what you desire, you're mind will just end up jumping all over the place. The ability to focus will increase your power to make what you want real.

2. Start off by focusing on your breathing for 5-10 minutes.. Feel your breath going into your body and out of your body. By doing this, you focus your mind on the present. One of the hardest parts of creative visualization is mental chatter. Your mind on average will get distracted 7 to 10 times per minute, that can be frustrating when trying to keep your focus on what you want. When your mind is focused on your breathing it can't think of anything else. This helps prime your mind for visualization.

3. Practice visualizing simple things at first. Like anything else it takes practice to get good at visualization. Try just visualizing 1 thing. An apple, for example. Try to go deeper and deeper in detail. See the apple, smell it, taste it. Then add another item. Maybe visualizing the plate that the apple's on. Soon you'll be able to visualize your world in rich detail.

4. Visualize yourself in the now. When you are visualizing your dream home visualize yourself as you are right now. Some people tend to visualize what they would look like in the future. Don't forget if you attract having it in the future. It will always be in the future.

5. Include all 5 senses. If you are visualizing a new home. Smell the air in it. See the furnishings. Imagine the feeling of sitting in a couch in the new living room. Hear the ambient sounds from around the house. Maybe the TV in the background. Imagine grabbing something from the fridge and tasting it.

6. Visualize in motion. Action makes your visualization feel more real, therefore giving it more power to attract. So if we go back to using the new house example; start off going through the driveway, then walking through the front lawn, opening the doors and walking into it, etc...

7. Focus on feeling grateful. This is the most important of all. Feeling of gratefulness is such a powerful positive emotion. It's actually the strongest feeling in your Law of Attraction arsenal. Feeling grateful puts the image in the present more than any other type of feeling. Use it as much as you can.

So there you have it, 7 ways to improve your creative visualization. Be specific and precise. Start off by focusing on your breathing. Start off simple. Visualize yourself in the now. Include all 5 senses. Visualize in motion. And most importantly visualize in motion.

Visualize what you want for at least 20 minutes 1-2 times daily, for the next 30 days. You'll start to see a dramatic difference in your life if you include the above tips. Feel free to comment on your experiences below. Thanks for reading!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Review of 20 Ways To Make $100 Per Day Online

One of my biggest obsessions is learning how to make money online. Thousands of hours of my life, as well as hundreds of dollars, were spent on trying to create a living for myself on this wonder we call cyberspace.

One of the best investments that I've made was purchasing a book written by The Internet Marketing Inner Circle, titled 20 Ways to Make $100 A Per Online. In a moment I'll tell you more about the book, why it's one of the best books available of it's kind, and a little about my favorite chapter.

The Internet Marketing Inner Circle are a bunch of people that are experts in different fields of online money. They are all the "real deal" and are not just people who know online money theories. They actually are doing what they are talking about and are making are making a good living from it.

Each Chapter of the book goes over a different method for turning the Internet into your own personal ATM. These are not theories, or philosophies to follow, they state exactly how they do it themselves, with enough detail for you to follow along. I like the tag line stated in the book...

"Presented to you by a very enthusiastic group of people with widely divergent skills, expressing the urgent wish to create a highly valuable product in only 3 weeks' time, to prove to the rest of the world that it CAN BE DONE."

3 Weeks!!! This book has been out for a couple of years and is still insanely popular today, because of it's priceless content. For 3 weeks of work, the authors are receiving a pump of passive income from this book! It's unbelievable. After reading that that, I was hooked!

The book doesn't make any outlandish claims either. It doesn't promise you millions, or say that you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams. It just gives you a basis to make a hundred bucks a day. Which is smarter in my opinion. It falls under the principal of under promise and over deliver. If you under promise your customers won't expect too much. Then when you over deliver on what your customer wants, they'll become raving fans!

A nice feature that this book has is that the table of contents is clickable. All you have to do is click on what chapter you want to read, and it takes you straight to it. That way you don't have to waste time scrolling through to get the the chapter you want to read. But I highly advise that you don't skip the first chapter, it'll get you in the right mindset for achieving a goal of $100 per day.

When you buy the book, you almost instantly get it via email. That's the nice thing about ebooks; you don't have to go out to a store, or wait until it's delivered to you. You could literally get the ball rolling on your online business the the day you click "purchase!"

There's also a huge amount of content in the book. I've bought a fairly large amount ebooks in the past, and the average amount of pages one can have is roughly 90 to 100 pages. This book is actually 247 pages of useful content!

AT only $27, the amount of information you'll receive from this book exceeds the amount you pay for it. For all the strategies you'll learn I would expect to pay 10 times as much. But I think that the book was created more as a means of giving pack to people, because the authors are already successful in online business.

My favorite chapter deals with email marketing. The author's name is Dan Taylor, which considered a small celebrity in the Internet Marketing world. He actually goes through the entire process that he used to create one of his own successful marketing campaign. Starting with choosing a niche, then building a squeeze page, choosing an autoresponder, etc... The blueprint that he's used is REAL, not a made up case study that some authors create to illustrate points that they can't back up with personal experience.

I've seen email marketing sites before. But before reading this ebook, I've thought nothing of it. Now I know the power of them and want to start off building my online empire that way!

Remember there are 20 different methods you can use to make money online. If one doesn't work for you just move on to another one. Just thinking of all the different methods makes my head swim with ideas and enthusiasm!

So I highly recommend 20 Ways to Make $100 Per Day Online. For less than the cost of 5 value meals at a fast food restaurant, you could be on your way to creating passive income that can multiply day after day, month after month, year after year! What are you waiting for?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Could You Just Be A Simulation?

Are you just living in a computer program, thinking this is all real? You could just be a simulation created by a superior race. Sound like science fiction? By the time you finish reading this post, you'll begin to understand that this isn't only possible, it's actually probable.

The reason why this may be true, is that the brain works by interpreting electrical impulses and Moore's Law predicts that it's just a matter of time that computers will be able to simulate life.

Now listen closely! The brain is totally encapsulated in the skull. It doesn't actually see, touch, smell, taste, or feel anything. What happens when you see an object? The brain isn't actually looking at it.

Your eyes take in light, then takes that info and turns it into chemicals, which then turns into electric pulses in your head. Or how about your sense of taste? Your tongue just translates signals into chemicals, again turning those chemicals into electronic pulses. Same thing happens with all of your senses. It's all happening in your head! Your brain never actually sees, hears, smells, tastes, or touches anything. It just interprets electricity.

Let's take it a step further. What if your brain was connected to a computer that could give your brain the same electrical signals that your 5 senses give it? You wouldn't be able to tell that the world you are living in is just part of a computer program.

Sound familiar?

It should. This was the basis of the Matrix movie franchise.

But lets go even deeper down the rabbit hole. (Sorry, the nerd in me couldn't resist.) The only reason we know we have a physical brain is because scientific research has shown us so. But all of scientific research is grounded in our 5 senses. And what does that tell you? You can touch it, see it, smell it, and if you're Hannibal, even taste it. But if all your senses are just electrical impulses, it could also mean that you don't have a physical brain. Everything about your entire existence could be in a simulation.

Now onto Moore's law. The poop really hits the fan here!

Moore's law is a trend that shows how computing power doubles every year. It's pretty dependable, and would be safe to assume that computing power would double next year. So imagine what it would be like 50,000 years from now. What about 100,000? 1,000,000?

New findings are showing that we achieve the processing power to make all this possible in LESS THAN 50 YEARS!

Now this is really gonna screw with you. Who's to say we're first? What if we're a simulation that is on the verge of creating our own simulation? It could mean that we're a simulation of a simulation that's just a simulation of another simulation. It could essentially go on forever. The odds that we're the genuine article are infinitely small!

So now you can understand that it's not only possible that we're a simulation, it's actually probable.

So the big question is Who's the ultimate creator? What is Reality REALLY like outside the box we're in?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Flying to Hawaii Tonight!

I'll be flying to Hawaii tonight. My son will be turning 1 soon, and since both of his parents grew up there, it's only fitting that he has his birthday in our home town. But don't worry, I'll still be publishing blogs while there. See ya in a few...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Complete This and You're Ready For The Cage

His name is Ari Bolden, and he is the creator of Submissions 101 and has been involved in martial arts for over 20 years. The number one question many of his students ask is, "How Can I Get There?"

During his time as a student he has been instructed and rolled with the top players in the game and all of them had one element others seemed to be missing. They all had a supreme confidence in their ability while remaining really humble.

He began to study their training and their methods and put it to the test to see if he could find that elusive answer as to what made them so confident, so skilful and with the ability to completely dominate matches and even their daily lives...and he ound it!

He has spent years developing this latest system and I have teamed up with industry's top trainers.

This is probably the most important system developed for anyone serious about training at any level or improving themselves off the mat.

Three Reasons To Start A Jiu Jitsu Workout Routine

The further on you read, you'll begin to understand why you should have a jiu jitsu workout routine.

A year before I started training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), I've spent hundreds of dollars on books and DVDs. I've studied them day and night.

When I finally signed up and entered my first class, I thought that I would be able to dominate the other beginners when it came time to free grapple.

Boy was I wrong!

It was a eye opening world of hurt that lasted until the end of class. I was dumbfounded at how much I got caught in the simplest submissions.

All because my conditioning wasn't nearly where it should have been.

Pay close attention. In a moment, I'll tell you why fitness is very important to all BJJ fighters.

There are limitless advantages that a conditioned fighter will have over a non-conditioned one. Here are three reasons to start a jiu jitsu workout routine. The three I'll talk about today are: mental clarity, ability to force moves, and better flexibility.

The first and most obvious advantage is mental clarity. Many studies have already proven that when you're tired you body just goes on autopilot and your body's movements go from learned technique to instinctual.

If you were a black belt that's been training for over 10 years this wouldn't be much of a problem because proper techniques would be instinctual. But if you're still learning the basics, many of your instinctual moves will consist of movements that'll give openings to your opponents.

For example, when mounted under an opponent the absolute worst thing to do is to push off on your opponent's chest with your arms extended. This will leave your arms open to the most basic armbar. Even if you've already learned not to do this, you may end up doing it instinctively because you're too tired to think.

The second advantage is the ability to force moves. Sometimes you'll be very close to scoring a tap. But your opponent has a good enough defense to keep you at a stalemate.

What do you do next?

If you're strong enough, and in the right position, you can power your way to getting a tap. I've done that on a couple of occasions, myself.

You've probably heard the age old saying when it comes to BJJ, "If you have to force a move, then you're using bad technique." But there's also another famous saying in the sports world, "A win's a win, baby!" And if you win a match by forcing a move on your opponent, guess what...

It still counts as a win!

And the third advantage is better flexibility. Any expert will agree that being more flexible helps your grappling game. What if you were naturally flexible? For a beginner it would be a saving grace for not knowing proper technique.

But what if you had a spare tire around your mid-section? Even if your hamstrings easily let you touch your nose to your knees, your stomach would be in the way. Which would make it hard for you to breathe when forced into such positions.

You won't see many Yoga masters with lots of body fat. That's because it impedes dexterity and flexibility. Same holds true to BJJ fighters.

So remember, there are limitless advantages to being a well conditioned BJJ fighter. Just three of those advantages are: mental clarity, ability to force moves, and better flexibility.

If you want to learn more on BJJ fitness check out Fitness Jiu Jitsu, brought to you by the guys at Submissions 101. The #1 Jiu Jitsu website on the internet. When you place your order, you'll know you'll be getting a high quality product.

STOP and think about the times you've been tapped out. How many times have you been caught because you were just too tired to see it coming? Clearly, you can significantly decrease the amount of those times just by being better conditioned.

How People Who Practice the Law of Attraction Get It All Wrong

So I've been thinking a lot about how the Law of Attraction (LOA) gets misinterpreted. Due to the popularity of "The Secret," Many people have already heard of how you get what you think about most, like attracts like, creative visualization, and so on. A major principle of the LOA is that everything you experience in life, you've attracted. That's the good right along with the bad. That's how people who practice the Law of Attraction get it all wrong.

One argument that I still hear about it is the fact that people get results that they claim they've never attracted. For instance, someone gets into a car accident driving home from work. He turns around and says, "I don't know how this could have happened. I wasn't even thinking about a car accident?" From then on he'll go on to discredit the LOA.

But in actuality it could have been anything group of strong negatively charge thoughts that may have caused it. Maybe the person was thinking that he didn't like the color of his car, or that it's too old, or the cost of gas makes the car too much of a burden.

He may have not been thinking about the car at all. Maybe that person was having a bad day, one thing after another kept going wrong. He kept acknowledging and getting frustrated at every bad thing that happened that it attracted more negative outcomes.

For example: Let's name this person Dave. Dave woke up late this morning, his alarm wasn't turned on for some reason, and this gets him pretty flustered from the start of the day. He's late to work and angrily storms into his office. His boss then yells at him, partly for being late, but mostly for the disruption of his entry into the workplace. Even more flustered, Dave messes up some paperwork, and gets in more trouble. Then heads home and gets into the car accident.

Dave thoughts were wrapped up in having a bad day, thus the LOA kept making his day worse. If Dave would have just stayed calm or simply shrugged off the fact that his alarm hadn't gone off, the negative experiences of his day would have stopped there.

All you really have to know is that negative thoughts attract negative outcomes and positive thoughts attract positive outcomes. "What" you think about acts as a pointer for the attraction, but doesn't really cause it to manifest into reality.

That makes me think of another misconception… Creative Visualization.

People say all time. "I visualize being rich almost everyday, but nothing's happening. This LOA stuff is rubbish!" Where most people falter is the fact that when they are visualizing they don't really FEEL as though they have it now. That is really the key for getting what you want. I know, I know… I'm oversimplifying like I always do. Feeling that you have it now, when you don't have it, is something that's very difficult to do. Trust me, I am WELL aware of this. This is where I even slip up most of the time. The trick that's been working for me recently is to make what you visualize be more believable.

If you are in credit card debt for $50,000 and you're visualizing yourself in a private jet flying to an island you own. It would probably be a stretch for your mind to make you feel like you "have it now."

So my suggestion would be to visualize yourself making $10,000 this month. Think about all the ways life would be different if you got 10 grand within the next 30 days. What would you buy? What would you do? How would that look on your bank statement? This would still be pretty grand, in comparison to your current situation, but much more believable. If it's still doesn't feel like you have it already, play with the numbers a bit. Try this for about 20 minutes a day, for 30 days. You'll start to see amazing results.

When you receive what you manifest then take it another step further, like $50k next month, it would be more believable then because your mind already knows what $10k feels like. You can then build up to private jets and island getaways, using this method.

Keep in mind, if you are in debt and focusing on getting out of debt, you'll just attract more debt. Also, keep this process light, playful, and fun. The last thing you want to do is turn it into a chore. Trust your feelings, if you feel good then you're thoughts are on the right path, if you feel bad then you are attracting the opposite of what you want.