Friday, May 1, 2009

Using Your Creativity Is One of the Best Ways To Make a Living

During my vacation to Hawaii, I met a very interesting guy named Andre Davis. The way he lived and still lives his life is very inspirational and he is now my new hero.

Andre's primary trade is being a tattoo artist. He owns his own practice and does well for himself. His work is well respected and arguably the best in the state. He's well traveled and has tattooed along side some of the nation's greatest artists.

His tattoo shop doesn't resemble the standard tattoo parlor with templates on the walls that you can just pick and choose from. The only things on his walls is a little waterfall (maybe to calm a first-timer's nerves) and his own original watercolor paintings. It's also very clean, almost reminds me of a dentist office.

He only does custom tattoos, so if you get work done from him, you'll know it'll be one of a kind and of the highest quality. And he doesn't take walk-in customers, it is only by appointment. Which means he has the ability to control his own time. (One of my biggest goals.) The reason for appointment only way of doing business is because he actually takes time to get to know customers and create something that they'll cherish for the rest of their lives. After all... It is a tattoo.

The reason I specified that Andre's "primary trade" is tattooing is because, that's not all he does. He also creates custom tattoo machines, does watercolor paintings, bone carvings, and is even working on a clothing line. The guy is an entrepreneurial/artistry Renaissance man!

He's doing what I want to do. Not necessarily tattooing on people. But making money from creative endeavors. Using your creativity is one of the best ways to make a living. Let me show you why.

Ideas are limitless. In 1899 the commissioner of the US patent office said, "Everything that can be invented, has been invented." Can you imagine what life would be like if that were true? Well, you wouldn't be reading this blog, that's for sure.

There are so many things that haven't been done yet! Even better, there are so many things that haven't even been thought of yet!

You own what you create. If you create something original, it's yours. You can patent it & legally own the rights to it. If you're working in some Fortune 500 company, making widgets from handed down plans, it's not yours. Try selling those plans to another company and you'll be facing some serious jail time.

You can live forever, through your work. The Mona Lisa has outlived Leonardo Da Vinci by hundreds of years. Your ideas are like immortal creatures that could possibly see the end of time. You will be remembered because you created them.

Entrepreneurship and creativity are interwoven. You can't be an entrepreneur without being creative. In fact, the more creative you are, the better entrepreneur you'll be. You'll be able to come up with new more ideas to make money, improve sales, attract customers, etc...

And most of all, making money creatively is a lot of fun. When you are working from creative consciousness, you are working with passion. You won't be able to stop. Ideas will excite you! And bringing those ideas into reality will bring you more joy than you could ever imagine.

There are many more reasons why making money creatively is the best way to go. But the biggest reasons for me are, that ideas are limitless; you own what you create; it can immortalize you; it makes you a better entrepreneur; and it's fun!

Human beings were meant to be creative. It's just the way our brains are wired. Creativity expands our knowledge as a species, it's what drives our evolution. So do what you were meant to do. BE CREATIVE! And if you can make money with it, why not?

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