Friday, June 12, 2009

Focus on "What" Instead of "How"

A lot of people I know get tripped up on "how" they are going to achieve something, instead of "what" they want to achieve. If what you want to achieve is a big goal, the word "how" can actually make it seem impossible to do.

For example. Let's say you wanted to build a skyscraper. If you put your focus on how you are going to do it, you're going to just think of stuff like, "How am I going to get the money to make this happen? How I might going to get the proper permits? How are buildings even made?" You see how it can become a little intimidating?

Instead you should always focus on "what." Focusing on what will keep you centered on the main goal. I'm not saying that you should never think of "how." You should just keep your focus on "what." The how is important, and there is a place for it. It just shouldn't be in your pre-dominant thought process. As far as "how" you are going to do something, you should only think about the next task at hand.

If you only view things one step at a time, suddenly, everything seems highly doable. Maybe even easy!

That's probably how Genghis Khan viewed taking over the world. He probably only thought about uniting or conquering one nomadic tribe at a time. I'm just guessing, but if you were to tell him before he had conquered anything, that he had to conquer half the world within his lifetime, he would probably think you were crazy. (Just before driving his sword into your face!)

So again, don't get caught up on "how" you're going to do something. Just focus on what you want to do, and what the next step is. Everything else will fall into place.

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